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Passport applications for minors (persons under the age of 18)


The children's passport will be abolished on 1 January 2024. Children's passports issued or applied for before 1 January 2024 are generally valid until the printed expiry date.

Please note that your application can only be accepted if the documents below are complete. If the documentation is incomplete you might have to make a new appointment.

The following is required for an application:

Please provide the original and one photocopy per document.

  • Application form
  • Signatures are required as follows:- Children born to married parents: both parents
    - Children born out of marriage, if both parents have custody: both parents
    - Children of separated parents: the parent who has custody. Please provide the court custody order.
    - Children for whom a guardian has been appointed: the guardian.
  • If one parent cannot be present, the application can still proceed with just one parent attending, provided the signature of the absent parent has been certified on the 2nd page of the passport application and the original passport or a certified passport copy is enclosed. Important: Certifications must be done either by a German Mission Abroad or a notary public (with seal).
  • Child’s current passport/ID card, if applicable
  • Child’s birth certificate - the full birth certificate (‘unabridged’) containing details of parents is required. If in another language, please also provide a translation into German or English. Foreign documents must be legalized.
  • For children who were born after 01/01/2000 in Germany to foreign parents and who became German automatically by law (§ 4 Abs 3 of the German Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz) please provide a certificate from the German registry office where the child was born confirming the German citizenship (Auszug aus dem Geburtenregister).
  • Valid passports/ identity cards of both parents.
  • Marriage certificate if applicable (if in another language, please provide a German or English translation of the certificate).

    Foreign documents must be legalized.

  • If parents are not married, please provide: birth certificate of mother.
  • If applicable: child’s German naturalisation certificate or parent’s naturalisation certificate
  • If the child or one of the parents has made a name declaration, please bring the confirmation of name declaration.
  • Most recent German local authority de-registration form (‘Abmeldebestätigung’) – only if the last place of residence was in Germany or if a German place of residence is shown in the passport.
  • Recent proof of address in Rwanda (e.g. utility bill or bank statement)
  • Two recent, identical, passport photos with a bright background. From the age of 6, biometric photos are required.
  • Fingerprints (for European passports of children aged 6 and over), to be provided at the time of application at the Embassy.
  • Signature of the child (from age 10 onwards)

Weitere Informationen

Overview of current fees.

All Fees must be paid in cash in RWF.


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Passbilder und Fotogeschäfte in Kigali

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